Save Time and Money

My team and I are all about saving Tennessee school districts money — lots and lots of $$$$$$$.

In this first post, I thought I’d get right to it — this is our mission:

Perfect State Reporting in the Least Time Possible

I don’t have to tell you what a big deal that is. A huge chunk of many Tennessee school budgets come from state BEP funds, and those funds depend on reporting data correctly to the state.

  • Incorrect state reporting = lost $$$$$$$, perhaps hundreds of thousands.
  • Incorrect state reporting = warnings and findings against a district.
  • Incorrect state reporting = missing classes, teachers and students in testing provisioning, which in turn leads to lost work hours bubbling test documents and problems with accountability.

And it seems certain that state reporting requirements are going to grow. As part of Tennessee’s mission to provide the best education possible to every student, the state department of education asks for more information from schools each year. Sometimes, more each month.

Smaller systems are especially burdened by the increasing requirements. If your state reporting specialist is also the attendance director as well as testing coordinator, he or she gets stretched… and stretched some more. There are only so many hours in a day, and typically, hiring more personnel is not a realistic option.

We can help bridge the gap.

During the past seven years, I’ve managed student data for a Tennessee school system. I’ve spent countless hours squeezing every possible dollar out of our information.

In those hours, I’ve learned how to shrink the amount of time needed to complete required tasks and overcome common challenges to Tennessee schools data management, tasks including

  • auditing local and state databases to find places money is lost,
  • correcting and re-sending data to make sure systems are getting every dollar they deserve,
  • communicating with the state department as necessary for correct data reporting,
  • training and empowering school-level staff to prevent and correct data errors, and
  • making relevant data easily available to decision-makers, stakeholders and third-party applications (educational apps, transportation programs and district calling systems, etc.).

As a result, I’m confident the TennSRS team can be of benefit to any school system in the state. Whether you are dealing with an abrupt employee departure or just want a checkup of your funding situation, we can help.

If you abruptly lose your data manager, we can fill that role.
If your data manager is new to the job, we can teach, mentor and consult.
If you need a funding status snapshot, we can run an analysis.
If you want a better reporting process, we’ll help you plan for success.
And if we cannot help, we will say so — no pressure

Hey — I promise, I’m a teacher at heart. God has been very good to me, I’m not desperate, and this life’s too short to waste your time or mine.

But I am passionate about helping others with the skills and knowledge I’ve been given, and TennSRS seems like a good way to do that.

if the TennSRS team can be helpful, let’s discuss possibilities. Explore our website (home page is here). Reach out to us by email at

May God bless you and yours.
Randy Brison