Want to slash the amount of time it takes to find find BEP funding leaks?

Want to be sure you’re squeezing every last dollar from ADM? (Not to mention, stay sane in the process?)

Tennessee Schools Reporting Services — TennSRS — can help.

Simple. Safe. Sure.

Those are not just words we throw around. Our lead programmer — Randy Brison — works for a Tennessee school system. He’s doing the job of BEP funding acquisition, data management, and state reporting. He knows people in his shoes don’t want to waste time

We’ve launched with one purpose: to help school districts save time and money. You choose how much.

  1. You might start with FundMax, our app which helps you spend less time finding, more time fixing problems. Quit copying and pasting from one spreadsheet to another. Forget about hoping your complicated Excel formulas work correctly. Just State, SIS, Go, and within five to ten minutes you’ll be bringing in more money, not spending it on wasted time. Get it here.
  2. You can have TennSRS fill gaps by providing consulting and training services as needed. Whether your system has a new data manager, that person is unexpectedly out, or you have too many deadlines on the same date, we can help. Contact us by clicking here.
  3. Or you might outsource BEP funding acquisition completely. Free yourself and other staff members to do things you’re best at. TennSRS will make sure you get the BEP money due you. For more information or to start the conversation, contact us.