Tennessee Schools Reporting Services LLC helps school districts bring in millions of dollars and save staff hours doing it through consulting and spreadsheet automation.1

Take Back Time with TennSRS
TennSRS is helping funding acquisition specialists take back some of their time.

Our first app, FundMax by TennSRS, shrinks the time needed for finding funding leaks from two hours to five minutes.2 An enhanced Excel workbook, FundMax compares state and local data in a few minutes so that our teammates don’t have to, eliminating the need for eye-balling numerous reports weekly.

More applications are in the works to help data specialists automate regular tasks, we’re glad to work on requests, and we can create custom solutions for your specific needs. In addition to spreadsheet automation and consultation for data integration and SIS management, TennSRS (pronounced Ten-Zers) offers management of state funding acquisition for districts.

TennSRS was built from the ground up by Randy Brison, who has been there and successfully fought the Tennessee school data wars. You can contact us at Info@TennSRS.com or 615.887.3818.

1We specialize in state funding acquisition, specifically finding and fixing Average Daily Membership errors which can cost thousands of dollars. Our clients currently include Murfreesboro City, Fayette, Humphreys and Bledsoe.

2Time savings is an average based on pre-service customer surveys and company testing. User results will depend on factors such as the size of a district, speed of state server processing, and speed of internet connection.